He’s finally here, 40 + 6 - birth story


My baby is finally here, 6 days late. Spent all day yesterday feeling really heavy in the pelvis. Sort of period crampy too but constant. Nothing bad enough to worry about. Losing a bunch of clear mucus.

Woke up this morning. Cramps started. Felt CONSTANT, nothing time-able. At 6am, was standing up doing a puzzle and felt a gush of fluid. Too much to be watery discharge but wasn’t sure if it was enough to be water breaking. Cramp pain ramped up, particularly in my back. Called the doctor and was told to come in.

In so much pain when we arrived. Was running a 100.2 degree fever. They gave me IV fluids and checked my cervix around 9am. Was 5cm and more fluid came out confirming it was water breaking earlier. The fluids brought the fever down and was told the contractions I felt at home and when I came in were back to back, hence why so couldn’t time them. They spaced out after the IV fluids. Got a tiny bit of pitocin to speed them back up.

Got the epidural at 1pm. Heavenly. Was so against it but the dilation from 5 to 7cm was pain free. When they checked me around 4pm, was 7cm and doc did something to knock out more water. He leaves and that’s when the pain from the pressure hit through the epidural. Dilated from 7 to 10 by 6pm. Started pushing then. Felt so much through the epidural on the pushing process. Contractions, pressure under my public bone, ring of fire, all the tears. This guy is 8lbs and 20 inches long. Doctor assisted with foreceps. He said if he hadn’t, we’d have ended up with an emergency c. So glad he did but wow, that was the hardest most painful thing I have ever done. I didn’t think I’d be able to finish it. But I did and I’m so happy my baby is here