Ovualtion day today, says the app


I'm not sure what question I have really but here goes, so, the 13th i woke up very very in the mood and hubby drove home to bd with me, he got so in the mood he went 3x (hehe) and then, after that day my drive went down. The day after we bd I was a little bit in the mood still but today is ovulation day (again on this app) and im really just not in the mood. Tmi my bowels are a bit ehh, slight headache.. could it be ovulation signs? I cant really afford those opks so I won't know if I was or not. Is it possible to have ovulated yesterday since the day before seemed like a peek sex drive day?

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The app is just a guess. Try bbt charting if you can’t get opks. From what you’ve described though it sounds like ovulation could have been last week.