How to Cope…

Erin Corine

…With next to no symptoms?!?

::Long Explanation followed by a request for story time solidarity for anyone willing to share your own early pregnancy stories::

I’m sitting at 5 weeks and 3 days with the strangest assortment of… Mild to no symptoms. I know some people are gonna be like “GIRL U LUCKY!!” but hear me out:

As a chronic hypochondriac that fully recognizes that pain and discomfort should not be an indicator of pregnancy viability, I think I would just feel good hearing some more variations of symptoms and situations out there from other women at my early stage of pregnancy, as well as those that are later on in pregnancy went through a similar quasi-asymptomatic first trimester.

Symptoms I AM experiencing, albeit mildly:

—Spotting on the day I took the test, one day after my missed period (I don’t usually spot at all; my period just kind of starts all at once over the course of a few hours. I freaked out at first thinking I’d done it too early and had somehow gotten a false positive or had had a chemical pregnancy et all other irrational thoughts you could think in this situation regardless of having read a thousand and two times that spotting is normal in early pregnancy)

—A bit of tingling in my fingers and lower limbs

—Some pinches and pricks in my abdomen here and there

—A QUITE sore/sensitive cervix

—Lots of gas and frequent urges to pee

—A little bit of lightheadedness only in week four that felt like a mix of being on clouds because this is exciting snd new, and actually being slightly dizzy


Again, I know it’s weird to feel weird that I’m well… But to add to this, I live in Spain where my doctor visit to “confirm” the pregnancy was super hands off. She didn’t do an additional test of any sort, no pelvic exam, just kinda took my word for it and scheduled my blood test for Aug 23 (Week 11) and first ultrasound for Sep 6 (Week 13). Nothing at all until then, because socialized health care (a good thing) means no unnecessary tests and doctor visits unless they sense some sort of risk (also a good thing, unless you’re feeling like I am right now trying to figure out how I’m gonna make it 7 more weeks without even seeing an ultrasound of any kind).

What are some of you experiencing right now? For those whose doctors have opted to skip a diagnostic ultrasound and wait until 12+ weeks, how are you staying calm and self-soothing intrusive thoughts?

Ps. Hi! Waving to you all wherever you are from my home of almost ten years, Spain! Pic from Mallorca a week and a half ago, where I played my first concert days after finding out I was pregnant with my first child! ☀️