Suddenly obese?? (Vent/rant)


I had my 39 week ultrasound/doc appt today. A previous doc ordered me to have weekly ultrasounds the last few weeks of pregnancy to monitor baby due to my low platelet count. Luckily, baby is doing very well and is quite big (estimated to be 8 lb 6 oz today...82nd percentile!).

I've been seeing another doctor the last few weeks since my original OB is on maternity leave. During check out, I was told the staff sonographer is out on vacation next week, so I have to get my 40 week ultrasound in the hospital next door. They gave me a referral with a diagnostic code and sent me on my way. As I made the appt directly with the hospital, I decided to look up the diagnostic code--Obesity complicating pregnancy, third trimester. What???!!

I've bordered on being underweight for years prior to pregnancy but also have a history of disordered eating, so this was triggering to me. I have definitely gained a lot of weight during pregnancy (exactly 40 lbs as of today), but this is within normal range considering my pre-pregnancy weight/size.

Why would the doc justify the ultrasound with something like obesity rather than low platelets (thrombocytopenia)?? It feels wrong and makes me beyond self-conscious suddenly. I didn't like this new doc before, but now I'm super frustrated! Anyone have any experience with this?