Need Name Help!


We are having our THIRD girl! We don’t really have a “theme” that we go with for names, other than I really like to use boy names for the middle names (since I doubt we’ll ever actually have a boy). Our current two daughters are Elena Rae and Vivienne James, but I’m struggling to settle on baby #3s name! Here are the few names we are going between:

Everleigh/Everly is my top choice for which hubby is agreeable but it’s not his top choice, so need some boy/boyish middle name options for this one... Blake (although this is a top choice for if we ever have a boy someday, but maybe it doesn’t matter since this would just be a middle name here)? Lane? Sage? Quinn? Help give me some other middle name ideas that flow well!

Blake Everleigh/Everly is also an option, but just don’t know if that’s too boyish of a first name with having two other girls with girly first names? Maybe it doesn’t matter, I don’t know. Blake is also a boy name option I have (see very bottom of post) so I don’t know that I want to steal this for a girl should we ever have a boy.. or I guess maybe we say screw it odds are not for us having a boy ever lol plus I could just go with one of the other boy options should that ever happen.

Lakelynn/Lakelyn is hubby’s favorite but I haven’t quite landed on a middle name for it... maybe Rose or some other girly middle name since the first name doesn’t scream girl? Everly? Sage? Need more ideas here too, girly or boyish.

Finally Leighton and Riley are on my list but I don’t feel like these ones trump Everleigh/Everly for this particular baby, but maybe would be options for another girl in the future.

(For reference, IF we were to ever be blessed with a boy in the future the names I have narrowed down to are Blake Wilder, Wilder Jay, Wyatt something, and Jackson Wyatt - These will most likely not change as they’ve been consistently on our list for years.)