Is this a narcissist?


I know it was very abusive, physically and mentally. But is any of this narcissistic abuse? I only want to know to clarify what is going on in my head at the moment, for the sake of my mental health i need to know this was not my fault. I also know it doesn’t really matter anymore because im now free from it all, but please answer my question. It would mean a lot to me if i can put this to bed in my head once and for all so i can move forward with my life. I think what im looking for is knowing that if he is narcissistic then he’ll never change, its all him, not me and i can go on to have a healthy future with a nice man, not someone like him

1. Locked me in the house

2. Ripped clothes from my body

3. Put his hands round my throat

4. Spat at me

5. Pushed me around

6. I stood by him and believed he was innocent when he got arrested for sexual assault. All charges got dropped in the end.

7. Threw food at me

8. Told my kids i was a druggie

9. Deleted all the males off my facebook

10. Called me names

11. Punched me in stomach

12. Wrote slag all over my living room walls

13. Punched the light switch and breaking it in our new house.

14. Slapped me across the face in front of (my 21yr old daughter who was 14 at the time)

15. Slammed my head into the kitchen floor tiles (his mother saw the bruise) my son saw it happen

16. Nasty to my son (from previous relationship) all the time

17. Kicked me out when i was pregnant

18. Hit me on the head when I was pregnant

19. Kicked me from behind when he had the baby in his arms

20. Hit me when i was holding the baby and marked my chin.

21. Kicked me out when the baby was a few weeks old

22. Dragged my by my hair through the hallway

23. Threw me through the front door

24. Hit me to the floor in the hallway

25. Kicked me out 2 days after my father died.

26. Gaslighted me to make me believe i was imagining parts of what he did.

27. Said i made him do it

28. After a nice day, the next day he keeps muttering “fuckoff” under his breath for no reason and i know its directed to me.

29. Kicks things if they get in his way

30. Turns the internet off

31. Went in a mood because i was using the oven and he wanted to use it

32. Emptied loads of rubbish all over my sons bed

33. Accused me of cutting holes in his clothes!

34. Acts nice one minute then turns funny in a split second!

35. Blaming my son for every fucking thing!

36. Threw my sons bike on the rubbish because it was in his way

37. Says about his father hitting him and treating him like shit when he was little and he’s exactly the same as him!

38. Throws our 2yr olds toys around if they’re in his way

39. Put our 2yr old in the shower and closed the shower door leaving her screaming, because she pood herself.

40. Shouting and swearing at half 6 in the morning, calling me a cunt because i used the last of the milk that I bought.

41. Calls me a waste of space and says im useless

42. Kicked off because i put food in the freezer and he had to make room for a few pieces of chicken

43. Got told he was cheating on me the whole time

44. Wasnt there for me when my father died

45. I told him i had panic attacks and i was feeling really down and hes used that against me to fuck with my head even more

46. Kicking off with me because he couldnt stop the water when disconnecting the washing machine. Telling me to fuckoff and calling me a cunt

47. He literally sat in his works van watching me struggle to move my stuff out

48. When i was pregnant he drove off and left me to walk home from a hotel 14 miles away

49. Left me in a town 12 miles away when i was pregnant and we were baby shopping

50. Kicked me and the kids out in the rain when baby was a few months old

51. Even after i moved out hes still being toxic, a parcel went there for me and he threw it out

52. Caught him zooming in on a girls photo on instagram and he denied it

53. Liking girls photos hoping id find out

54. Came home from a night out with make up on his top and he was full of sand. Clearly took someone down the beach

55. Constantly lied

56. Followed girls on insta but would call me a slag if i followed men

57. Said i wasn’t good enough

58. Said he’d throw acid in my face

59. Got a new girlfriend less than 3 months after i left

60. Could never have a real conversation with him about anything relationship related because he would tell me to fuckoff and tell me to get away from him if i ever mentioned anything he did that he didn’t like me talking about. For example, if i brought up asking him why he called me bad names he’d say because he hated me and it was all my fault

61. Never took responsibility for anything he did wrong

62. Always turned things around on me