Feeling petty


My fiancé and I and have 9 month old baby and we live together with my dad.

My dad gets up first in the morning and he does all the washing up from the night before. Whenever I cook, I clean up EVERYTHING before I go to bed because I don’t want my dad cleaning up after me.

But my fiancé… he cooks and then just leaves everything all over the kitchen. He doesn’t even clear the table. What’s worse is that he’ll move dishes out of the sink if they’re in his way instead of washing them. He just leaves everything for somebody else to do.

He’s a great dad. But terrible at housekeeping. I literally have to tell him to do chores.

Ive spoken to him about it. But that night he’d only left a couple of oven trays that just needed a wipe down. He didn’t think that was a huge deal and I couldn’t really argue with that. But last night he cooked soup. So there’s dirty pots, chopping boards, blenders. A lot.

I know he’s going through a lot mentally but I’ve been going through it too. But this isn’t a first offence. Or a second. Or a third.

Plus, he spent alllll night playing video games.

I’m feeling so petty about it that I want to put all of the pots and pans on his computer desk. The only thing stopping me is that the desk is in the bedroom and I don’t want to stink it out.

What would you do?