I need some prayers please!


I’m stuck in between a rock and a hard place over here. I’ll be 38 weeks on Sunday. My grandmother is 5 hours away dying from dementia and they don’t think she will make it through the weekend. My husband can’t get off work this weekend to go with me if I took my kids and went to say goodbyes. I have my babies a little early and I’m already dilated with baby engaged and just waiting it out at this point. The chances are high that the stress would send me into labor and my husband would miss it and I’d have my baby in a hospital 5 hours away from home. On the other side if I stay home I’m probably missing my last chance to tell her goodbye. I know it’s not really a possibility to go up and see her but it’s really hurting me knowing I’m not going. We were all really wanting her to meet this baby since it will be her last great grand child but it’s a race at this point if baby comes or she passes away first. This is just horrible timing for things and it’s really heartbreaking so I could use some well wishes please! I don’t want to be selfish and hope she holds on for me to go up right after my baby comes for her to meet baby and say goodbye but it’s crushing me inside.