Help please


So for a boy we like James. But... I see baby's named James everywhere right now and eventhough a little bit popular doesn't matter to us, when there are 3 James in his future class I would feel a but bummed.

So then we thought of Nolan, which I really liked, my SO came back from that one. Then we found Spencer, I got all enthusiastic because he told me he liked that name too. And then he came around again 🤦🏼‍♀️.

So now we are back at James but I can't get rid of the feeling that there will be many close James' (my daughter has a best friend with a new brother. He is also called James. A classmate of my daughter is also called James. And at the midwives are many cards with newborn's called James.)

We are now still looking for new names but are failing to find anything. It can't start with an O (sister Olivia) or C (brother Colin). We don't have middle names so are avoiding the same initials.

All help is appreciated!