Day 4 after boon surgery


First let me show you my sweet girl in her first Ric Rac outfit. Tried to get photos but she was more instrested in eating her toy/ aka photo prop lol. Sweet thing.

Now let me tell you about might night, 4 days after surgery for access breast.

You know what's NOT fun. Waking up a 3am with a crying baby and liquid POURING out of a hole in your boob. So there I am trying to get her bottle and feed her all while really needing to pee and trying NOT to freak out about the fluid pouting out of the hole that's supposed to be dry. Finally get her down, run to pee, have to remove my shirt bc it's wet, the bandage is literally peeling off its so soaked and them I really starts to leak, like WTH. BREASTMILK and a little blood is shooting out of the freaking holeeeeeeeee GOD help meeeeeeee. So I have to grab a pump and pump and slowly watch as the leak slows up before finally stopping. There is a mess everywhere. Out bed, my clothes, the floor. Like what in the hell.

I haven't replaced it this morning but I'm afraid to see what my hole looks like now.

I need a vacation.