Advice needed


Hi ladies so I'm 36+1 and I was in the hospital last night my blood pressure was kind of high when I got there 156over 77 but it slowly came back down before I left I was haveing alot of contractions but wasn't dialateing so they gave me fluids and those calmed down n I got to go home well today I've had a constant headache I'm super hot/shakey and tired I feel really nauseous and have a headache that wont go away even after tylenol this morning the nurse at my obs said to try a cocktail of tylenol benadryl and a can of coke wich I'm about to try fingers crossed I can hold it down...but has anyone felt like this I feel like my body and mind are crumbling I feel so sick I'm trying to rest but I just dont feel right baby is moveing fine tho she said try the cocktail and call back in an hour or so