Femara vs clomid

Jennifer • Boy mom 👦🏻🧑🏻‍🦲with three little 👼🏻👼🏻👼🏻

I had a successful pregnancy back in 2018 with clomid, decided I wanted on more and tried again in 2019. Well that clomid cycle I fell pregnant and 2019 miscarried. I tried again 3/4 cycles after and didn’t get pregnant. So my dr referred me to RE and she felt the best course of action off my labs is timed intercourse witb trigger and progesterone. This was my first cycle and it failed — we decided to try femara. I wasn’t sure if people had success sticking with femera or if I should go back on clomid where I would be closely monitored. I have a feeling my re will give me the choice:

My dr is pretty certain I have pcos. Labs were in normal range, ovaries clear but some symptoms I have indicate it and for 36 year old women my amh is on the higher side of normal.