Advice on opks

Can someone explain that if I ovulated around Cd20 why it would show a peak again on cd23? My levels have stayed high. I’m confused by theses opks. I’ve never had a low opk except while on my period (only tested to see as I never have any low numbers) what could this mean? My doctor don’t like idling opk so it’s hard for me to talk to her about it. She don’t trust them. I do have ovulation issues so I know that could effect it I’m sure. It’s a hit and miss if I ovulate every month as some months I have to take medicine to get my periods. When I was doing blood test to see if I ovulated I wasn’t taking opks then. I wish I would have as I know that would have gave me a better understanding. Any advice would be helpful! Thank you!!

Edit** if I am having multiple lh surges does this mean I am ovulating multiple times in a cycle?