Just want to rant what I go through daily and every day!


My cousin and I have been shopping today. Now I anxiety and get horrible nervous spells when I eat out in restaurants where I literally don't even eat my food because of the anxiety, feeling nervous I get. I move around during the spell and can't be still. It's like the trembling that goes through my body that effects my brain.

My cousin didn't really understand what I go through. she just told me to try to eat. I don't like crowds..I get phobia real bad. All I wanted to do in the restaurant while I watched my cousin eat is cry,but I couldn't cry in front of her,just inside.

I gotten anxiety long time ago when my aunt passed away. I was very close to her! I have been on anxiety medicine back in the day that put awful side effects on me and they never worked.

Recently I have been on Buspar. Those never worked! It felt same before I even gotten them. I just wish this anxiety will go away for good and never come back.

I wish I could find some supplement that is organic without taking those nasty prescription medication for anxiety. I am having no luck at all if it even exist.

I finally started accepting Jesus to my heart back three months ago and I do talk to him at times. All of my anxiety still remains the same! Sometimes I feel like it's a different condition I have other than anxiety.🤷

Please pray for me and keep me in your prayers!