
Long story short my kid’s father/ex-fiancé (23) and I (21) broke up early March due to cheating (not the first time) and he basically quit his $22/hour job a couple weeks after to go on vacation and hasn’t worked since. He got evicted about a month ago out of our old apartment and has been sleeping in his car. Since he’s lost his job he’s been “scamming” phone companies and selling the stuff he didn’t need. Before we broke up I gave him 1/3 of my tax refund and both of my stimulus which adds up to about $5,000. I’ve also given him money a couple of times after that when he didn’t have any due to being jobless and homeless. Now he’s truly at rock bottom but I refuse to give him any more money, I can’t give him a place to stay (quite frankly I wouldn’t even if I could). I do feel extremely bad for him, but at the end of the day … he did this all to himself and it all could have been avoided. Due to the way he treated me in our relationship w the talking to other females and mental manipulation.. I’m numb to him. I really don’t even want to be around him 90% of the time and he wants to be around me once I get off until I get tired. I understand I have his children and I would never keep them away from him, but 80% of the times he’s around, he’s not even helping me with them … he’s always more worried about me and if he does engage with them, it’s to discipline them. At this point, his car is out of gas and he hasn’t really eaten since Tuesday due to literally having $0. I picked him up from his usual spot where he sits in his car after i got off of work, went to pick up the boys, gave him some food, and he left around 9:30 and walked back to his car. I don’t want to be his chauffeur and be the one who has to feed him .,. I’m not his mother and honestly I don’t think he deserves anything else from me, especially for what he put me through. I’m just wondering, what kind of boundaries do I need to put in place? The last thing I want to do is keep him from his kids but I also need my space and I can’t keep giving my money away to him ..

PS: he was supposed to go back to his previous job this Sunday but he failed the eye exam on his pre-employment exam so he’s been “temporarily disqualified” from employment.

I feel so bad but I’m really trying to do what’s best for me right now, please help!