GD & Moms of Multiples


Hi moms, I’ve been very curious to see the variety of answers I may get. So I’m currently 18 weeks already shopping plenty for my love bug. This is my third baby. My first daughter everything was fine and “normal” she was born 7 lbs even, with my second, I tested high for the glucose test around 15 weeks or so on the 1 hour test and when I took the 3 hour my numbers came back fine. When he was born he weighted 9 and a half lbs and had low blood sugar level. Therefor doctors said I most likely had GD but the test was just inaccurate. My question is how many of you had GD, and after that had another pregnancy in which you did not have GD? Is it likely my next baby will be born just as big or bigger? So far my one hour test came back high, and my 3 hour test came back normal. We will be retesting soon due to my history. The reason I ask is 1. I’m curious if we can actually not have GD everytime after the first GD pregnancy, most people I know got it Everytime after. And secondly, it makes me debate buying newborn clothes. My second born didn’t fit into them at all lol.