Jealousy is a ugly trait😭

kiki • ❤️Married ❤️💙BoymomX3💙 TTC #1 for Husband😻 😥3yrs TTC 💜MFI💜

So my husband’s cousin is pregnant with her 4th boy. While she has told ppl numerous that she didn’t plan this to happen I cant help but feel jealous. Me and my husband have been ttc for almost 3 yrs now in april. Everytime I see her she is either drinking (not hard liquor but still) and she is always high. Her boyfriend or wte the dude is too her is right there with her knowing that she is doing this. She is almost 6 months like seriously am I wrong for feeling like this? She also told ppl if her man didn’t beg her to keep it she was going to get a abortion. Its just not fair all the men in his family all have kids he is the only one with a sperm issue. Im trying to stay stress-free but this is what goes on in my head at 4:20am😂