What the hell?

Mary • Mommy to Finnegan, Aelish, Mairead 👶🏻🍼 Nurse 💉💊 Happy 😊

My husband and I have been together for 11 years. He is truly my best friend. Lately sex has been….less than mediocre? Idk I feel guilty for saying that. We’re trying to have one more baby. But unfortunately I had two miscarriages In A row in may and June. My husband has a hard time finishing or he sometimes ends up soft during intercourse. I realize sometimes I kind of brush him off or Put up a wall for the rest of the dayS I don’t mean to do it but I do get pleasure if he finishes. I don’t really care if I finish. I suggest maybe some toys or watch porn before sex or something and he is absolutely against that. What can I do to help him finish? He loves when I suck him off then he tries to finish regularly and it just doesn’t happen. What am i doing wrong?