Need to hear what ya think


Okay so it's best if a lot of people comment and say what they think cuz I really need to hear what ya say, I just want to hear ya opinions male or female perspective. Me and my boyfriend started dating recently now he still has contact with his ex, he was with his ex for 6-7 years but it was on and off, she treated him very bad and cheated on him a lot. Why does he have contact? When she cheated she got pregnant by someone else and he made a promise to her that he was gonna be there for the baby who is not his because the baby's father abandoned him so he feels connected with the baby since his own father abandoned him and he does not want his baby's ex to grow up without a father figure. He says he does not have any feelings towards her but yet they have calls and texts, most of the time she ignores him and most of the time the talks arent about her baby. I feel some type of way cuz exes are past, you shouldn't have contact with them when you're with someone and I want him to cut her off but I also don't want him to be hurt since he won't be able to be there for the baby. I told him if he wants to be there then he can send her money so she can do whatever with it to help her and her baby but he says I don't understand cuz I've never been abandoned by a parent. I feel like I should let him continue with it even if it bothers me so much cuz it was a promise he made before he met me and when I told him he says he gonna cut her off completely to fix what's bothering me and said he's just gonna disappear from that baby's life cuz I don't understand him so I really don't know how to feel about it, I should let him do whatever he wants and be a supportive gf right?