Decrease in symptoms.


So, for one thing. I still am not sure how far along I am. My gyno for my cancer stuff refuses to let me make a sonogram or any kind of appt. Because no reason. They just keep telling me no. But have me coming in today for blood work again. My levels are going up. So I don't understand why I have to go in three times for labs but not for an actual appointment. I sporadically ovulate. And have missed periods all the time. They say I'm 10 weeks but I'm not sure. If I am why am I not being scheduled. They refuse to do a sono? I'm going to a clinic on the 3rd. Anyways. Now I'm not really nauseas anymore and my boobs aren't as sore. I feel more normal sometimes. But deff moody and will cry in an instant. Nausea is gone though. Is that worrisome?