CM vs app calendar


Ok so this is our second month TTC baby #2 and we are trying not to put too much pressure on ourselves yet. We got super lucky with #1 and got pregnant the first month, but now I’m almost 35 and have been on birth control a lot longer prior to coming off to TTC, so my doc told us not to get too stressed out if it takes a little longer this time around. So I’ve been tracking my cycles and my CM and stuff, and I’ve been following the calendar on this app for my fertile window, but we don’t want to start using OPKs just yet to try to cut down on some of my anxiety for now. Anyway, the app shows my fertile window should have started last Thursday the 22nd with ovulation tomorrow. However, I had a small amount of what appeared to be EWCM on Tuesday night that continued up through yesterday morning. Between our work schedules, my husband being in school and taking summer classes this year to try to get ahead (hopefully so he can take some time of we do get pregnant soon), and having a pre-schooler who was sick last week, our timing was off and yesterday was the first chance we had to have sex during this fertile window. Are my chances super low since the EWCM seemed to slow up a lot yesterday morning? Did I probably just barely miss my ovulation time? With the EWCM starting 2 days before the calendar showed my fertile window was to start, I’m thinking I maybe ovulated yesterday instead of tomorrow like the calendar shows. Also, I was outside a lot yesterday afternoon, and I think I may have been a little dehydrated. Could that make the EWCM decrease faster? It looks like I may have a little EWCM this morning, but less than Wednesday-Saturday. I’m hoping I’m not out for this month, but I’m just not sure. Any info/advice is appreciated. Thanks in advance!