Mentally and emotionally drained

Carrie • 24! Wifey and Momma to Kyler 💙 Let’s be friends 😊

I’m 25 years old, have a beautiful son who is 1 year and half. My husband and I decided to grow our family by adding to it the beginning on this year. I got pregnant in January but by the time my first ultrasound came around I had unfortunately miscarried.. it was tough but I knew god had a plan so I made peace with it..March came around and I still hadn’t got my period so I took a test and it was positive.. I didn’t understand how but we were excited finally thought we got our rainbow baby.. fast forward to my ultra sound and I got the news that there was no baby and I a week later miscarried again.. I was so angry and sad.. we stopped trying to give my body a break and earlier this month I found out once again I’m pregnant.. it sucked because we were excited but scared and filled with nothing but worry. We didn’t want to get excited because we didn’t want to get our hopes up and sure enough i started bleeding.. now I don’t know for sure I’m miscarrying I can only judge off of the feeling and the bleeding but I won’t know for sure until I get blood work done.. I’m just so over this and I don’t understand why it’s happening to me or what’s wrong with me but I’m just mentally and emotionally exhausted and I hate that I can’t get excited it just makes me so sad 😔 I feel truly blessed I have such a healthy son and my heart goes out to all the women struggling with starting a family because it truly is heartbreaking