Open Relationship

Grace • 21. America

I’ve been seeing this guy for a few months and we’ve yet to have the “are we exclusive?” talk. I have known that he’s been seeing a few other people and it hasn’t bothered me at all because I have a little too. We’ve just been going on dates and getting to know each other better. We’ve been going out to bars, playing games, cooking together, making plans for the future, & having lots of crazzzzy good sex. He’s the first person I’ve ever slept with but I’m not his first. He’s 26 and I’m 21. We met each other’s friends and he met my parents. Over the last few months I have grown to really care for him and thought we’d be exclusive soon based on a few conversations. We see each other almost every day and at the very least several times a week. About a week ago he told me he was going to end things with the other people he’d been talking to. Then last night he told me he doesn’t actually want to end things with these other people and wants us to be in a relationship but he wants to sleep with other people. I know lots of people are happily non-monogamous but I just don’t think I can be. When he told me this my heart sank and I instantly got nauseous and felt very emotionally distant from him. We’re both bisexual and he wants us to be able to explore that. But I’m much more relationship-focused and think I’d have a hard time with completely casual sex with strangers. I’d have an even harder time juggling multiple romantic/sexual relationships. And I know I’d be prone to comparing my own multiple relationships and I’d always wonder what his are like. I’m worried about the health aspect & worried that if we were in an open relationship it would complicate things emotionally in so many ways. I don’t feel comfortable with an open relationship and am worried to talk to him about it because he really wants this. Things have been going soooo good but I feel like this could ruin it. If I tell him I’m uncomfortable and he agrees to be monogamous I’d feel bad about holding him back. If I give in and say an open relationship is fine with me I’m not being honest with myself & could see it blowing up in the future. I feel like this might have to be the end for us but I really really don’t want that :/ He’s a great person and I feel so comfortable and safe and good with him. Any suggestions or compromises or advice in any way?