So annoyed 😒

Annie - 👼 🌈 • After every storm comes a rainbow, praying for mine ❤️

So here is long story short, Amazon did a mistake and I ended up with quite a lot of hCG strips. I track my ovulation and everything. I had my peak 6 days ago and yesterday at 4dpo I decided to take a test for shits and giggles knowing 1 million % that it will come negative. Was just for fun. However it showed a faint line (in the time frame) that got me extremely surprised and made me question my ovulation (Was it on time?) I thought that I missed my ovulation and it had occurred earlier, then I tested this morning with fmu with another brand and it came as it is supposed to be on 5dpo stark white.

This happened with easy@home was an evil indent/evap 😒 be careful ladies

Baby dust to all 🌟❤️