Am I a gold digger and dont know it?!


Hi so my bf is 20 years older then me. He has a great job that alone brings in well over 6 figures and a 2nd that pays well. He moved closer to me (uprooted his entire personal life so I could live near my college).

We have only had 1 big argument which we both took equal blame (even though I think it was my fault) and we worked through it (not anything big more just lifestyle issues)

I’m a full time student. I use to work 2 jobs. 2 schools. But now I don’t have to. I don’t have to pay rent or anything such as that. (I asked and he laughed it off)

HE EVEN PUT ME ON THE LEASE NEXT TO HIM! I think he wants me to feel safe and that I wouldn’t have to worry about him “kicking me out”.

Anyways since I don’t work... I don’t have money. I have never once asked this man for money but he just gave me 400$ to go shopping with. It’s weird to me for not having to work for such money. He is paying for my college as well. I am like a “live in girlfriend”. I don’t even clean or have to cook. We go out to eat or someone else cleans.

I’m young. He is older.

I don’t feel like this is him controlling me. I livd 2 hours from my mom and I own my own car. I own my own phone.

He is also always planning little dates for us! I’ve never dated someone who did this much for me!

I feel like I’m taking advantage of him in some way! I mean we have a lot of sex (it’s. Like. Perfect sex. Everything I could want)

Look I’m not a great person. Not even good. HOW DO I GET THIS?!?!