

This wasn’t my ideal pregnancy! In the earlier stages of my pregnancy I was gaining a significant amount of weight and would be told I need to slow down with weight gain by my OB! I was gaining and gaining but I never ate a lot, and I stayed exercising. I was still told to slow down. I took many 24 hour urine tests, they always found protein in my urine but said it wasn’t that much detected and that it was normal to have a little protein in your urine. At about 26 weeks I started swelling and even propping my feet up didn’t take the swelling away, they would say it’s normal in pregnancy. My swelling got worse by 28 weeks I could barely walk! And my legs started to leak fluid! My stomach was so swollen and full of fluid I just thought I was to swollen, so I put myself on bed rest. I transferred doctors in another city and they did the urine test and diagnosed me to have preeclampsia. I was in and out of the emergency room and one day at 33 weeks 3 days I went because my blood pressure was extremely high 2 days later they said it was fluid around my lungs and I I was being induced this same day. They tried to induce me so I could give birth vaginally but nothing worked my cervix wouldn’t open, they even tried the ballon method. 30 minutes later they tell me I have to get a c-section and they had to perform it within the next 20 minutes. I tell this story because I never knew how serious pre eclampsia was! I never knew the dangers or that it could cause death. Although I had my baby 7 weeks earlier I’m just blessed that we came out of it healthy. Yes he’s a NICU baby, but he’s breathing on his own the only thing we’re waiting for is for him to learn to eat out of a bottle and take the full amount that’s recommended for him. I’m so blessed. I thank GOD it all could have ended so differently. Although it did hurt me to have to leave the hospital with no baby I’m grateful.