Depression Medication? Input please!


Not sure if this is the right place to post it or not, but I would like to know other people’s experience or knowledge if any of you have any. I’ve been on Lexapro since October of 2020 for depression. It has done wonderful things for my mental health and intense depression. However, within the last couple of months, I have been having horrific dreams. Many of them are very violent, a few suicidal (maybe 2), and extremely vivid. My dream last night was so bad/violent that My significant other had to wake me up and asked if I was okay because he said I was yelling in my sleep. After falling asleep I had another dream which was suicidal and he had to wake me up because I was crying in my sleep. My dreams are so vivid I remember them completely the next day.

Just to be clear as well, I haven’t had suicidal thoughts ever or experienced suicidal thoughts after starting my medication like some can cause. I started a dream journal and I am writing them all down. I plan on seeing my doctor if they continue to get her opinion. However, I was just wondering if this could be because of my medication? Or if this has happened to anyone else with depression/anxiety medication? I just find it strange if maybe it was my medication because I have been on it for so long now that I would just now be having these vivid dreams. Please share your experiences, thoughts, etc.

Thank you in advance!!