Is it weird that I have absolutely no interest in sex or relationships?


I’m a single mother to a 2.5 year old.

My ex and I split 2 times, once for year and now for good... we split in March. Every since then I think about a relationship or even sex with anyone I just have no interest. One of the reason I left his was because I just felt nothing for him, except for friendship (and other shit like anger outbursts etc that I couldn’t handle and didn’t want our son around).

I have no interest in being in a relationship at all. I just want to be on my own and look after my son. That’s it. I have no interest in bringing another person into our space. My ex and I co parent really well. I just don’t feel the need for an extra person.

I don’t miss sex at all either. Could I be asexual? Can that happen? I don’t know if I’m just scared to be in a relationship or what. It’s weird. I see everyone talk about how they can’t go like a week without sex. I’ve gone 6 months now and I just don’t care? Like I feel like I could go the rest of my life without it at this stage. Am I weird?