Low AFC, endometriosis, ivf round1


Hi all,

I am seriously having a 48 hour long meltdown.

I’m 34, have endometriosis (dr are guessing, didnt have a laporoscopy)

My amh is 1.35

Cysts in my ovaries

Blocked tubes with mild hydrosalpinx in one

Baseline ultrasound AFC was 1 in left 5 in right. Doctor said i have borderline decreased ovarian reserves.

Started <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> last night.

Will I EVER have a baby.. is this even in the cards for me. I cried enough to fill a lake. I cannot bare the thought of not having a baby with my adorable husband that I love so much.

I am lucky enough to have enough insurance benefits to do a few <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">ivf</a> cycles… silver linings i guess?

I am just overwhelmed with sadness. Any success stories would be appreciated.