Spotting for 7 days


Ladies I’m so confused and need your thoughts. My boyfriend and I have been having unprotected sex a lot. I didn’t have a period for 6 months 😳 the doc put me on Norethindrone but before I could start taking it I got my period naturally. So I just never took the meds the doc gave me. After my period my boyfriend and I had unprotected sex multiple times. Not really tracking so it’s hard to say if I was ovulating or not. Fast forward to the past 7 days I have been spotting. It’s not a period because it’s only when I wipe and super light pink. I am now on day 7 still spotting. My boobs hurt a little but nothing crazy. I’ve had two kids so I know how tender breasts can feel during a pregnancy. I don’t want to read too much into it and think my body is just being weird. I am going to cave and buy a test today. Has anyone experienced something similar? Is there a chance I could be pregnant 😱 I don’t wanna get excited if I’m over reaching here.