
TTC #2, rainbow

Hi all! I want to introduce myself kind of and bring up a maybe new subject to some of you cause women need to be aware 💕💜

I am 27 years old , a momma to a 5.5 year old little girl who is sassy as heck. Had an amazing pregnancy with her, all was easy. Last April 2020 I got a big fat positive. I was elated. Wasn’t trying but not preventing 😅

Fast forward 2.5 weeks later. I started spotting. I knew this was normal in pregnancy and tried not to stress however that didn’t work. Called the dr and went in to be checked. I should have been around 6 weeks. They did a transvaginal ultrasound and saw a sac and nothing in it. I was a little upset but figured I had ovulated late. They told me to come back two weeks later. My HCG kept rising and I was happy about that. 2 weeks later I went back and my sac that they saw was still empty and disformed đŸ€š My heart sank. I didn’t get many answers and quite frankly was pissed so I demanded them. I hadn’t had any symptoms of miscarrying. They said okay D&C friday. done deal. I waited another week to confirm , then followed through with a d&c . Just wanted to be 100% sure. They told me my levels would be monitored cause I had a possible molar pregnancy. WTF was that was all I thought. A molar is where instead of a fetus forming just a large mass will form. After a d&c they monitor you because that mass can become cancerous. All this is extremely rare. My levels went from 181,000 to 2200. Okay, amazing! However the following week they jumped back up . to 4400đŸ˜© I was sent to a specialist (gynecologist oncologist) because they were worried that the worst had happened. I went and she did another ultrasound and found another mass on my other ovary. She thought about another d&c but since my levels rose to 32,000 again in a few weeks she said no I was doing chemo treatments. Do you guys know how hard at 26 years old that was to hear . It was awful. Felt like I had been slapped in the face. Like what did I do to be plucked from so many to deal with this. I knew why, it’s cause I’m strong and God knew I could handle it. After 6 long / physically and emotionally bearing months of treatments I kicked that shit to the curb. I want all to know my story because not a lot of women have heard of this form of “miscarriage” and it can also happen after you give birth. Some women I know have had stage four cancer out of it. I don’t feel like they check for it as much as they should. It’s terrible. I would have never known if I didn’t get a positive test. I was so closely monitored and cared apart but it’s because I self advocated a lot! I demanded answer and to be cared about. I hope nothing but the best for all of you amazing women! I have 3 more months of waiting before I get to try again! It’s been almost a year. It’s so hard when you want something so bad đŸ˜«

With all my love 💕
