After 3 years and 7 months of trying...9

Lennie 👶👼 TTC #3

Finally! We did it! We are pregnant. Our journey may not be the same as everybody but It was all worth it. One year (since September 2018) of not having a real period after drinking a pill for 4 yrs. But on Dec 2019 after a lot of test, I was diagnosed with PCOS. We tried clomid for a year with a different dosage 50mg and 100mg. But after a year (Dec 2020) of not having a luck we decided to have my fallopean tube check. And when everything was all good we move to injections + trigger. I started my injections + trigger + ultrasounds (to check my eggs if its growing) on March 2021. On June 2021 we decided to combine acupuncture with the injections and after that last cycle (4th cycle) boom! We are pregnant! I am now 7weeks and 1 day pregnant. My 1st ultrasound is on 4th Aug 2021. I know its still early (1st trimester) but I am so excited with our little miracle. I never thought I will be a mom 😢😭 (tears of joy). I still can't believe it.

To all the woman who are starting to give up or almost giving up. DON'T! Stay fighting and still believe that it will come. In God's perfect time. 🙏🙏🙏 God is on time. Trust him 🙏🙏🙏