Too early to buy a pram?

So I’m 14 weeks pregnant. This is our second child, so both me and my husband has our mind set on the certain futures we wanted to have in the new pram and we managed to find a model that meets all those requirements and doesn’t cost a fortune, but our plan was to wait until November time when I’ll be around 28 weeks and then buy it.

Sadly, few days ago I found out it has recently been discontinued and replaced by a different model that doesn’t offer the same features, but the one we wanted was still being sold on some of the discount websites. We managed to find one place selling an ex display model for less than half price and we agreed to order it under the impulse, as after a quick search, any different brand with same features would cost us at least 2x more than the original price of this one and none of them looks as good.

But now I’m starting to panic, as I’m only 14 weeks, and being obese and with pcos we’ve been trying for almost a year for this baby. I know that now that I’m past the 1st trimester it should be okay, but I’ve read so many stories of things that could go wrong I’m just anxious that I’m tempting fate 🙈