Need help!!!!!!!

My little man (7months) will NOT take a bottle!

I’ve returned to work almost finished my 4th week and the whole time my little man will not take a bottle!

started syringe feeding him the milk and now he’s refusing that too! My cousin has him during the day as I don’t trust centre’s & the sickness that goes around them, He goes 12 hours without boob sometimes!

(mostly the last few days as I’ve been asked to cover others, usually I only do 4 or 5 hour shifts)

so no milk or water intake! She mixes it with baby cereal or arrowroot bickies but I don’t think that’s good enough for him! I’m so worried he’s going to get dehydrated or seriously I’ll or unnourished.. he does eat his baby food but we can’t get ANY milk or water into him :( I have tried;

Different bottles

Different teats

Different scenery

Other people trying

Me trying

Dad trying

Cold milk

Warm milk


Putting one thing on the teat

Playing with the bottle and teat on his own,

Sippy cup

Straw sippy cup

He gags! Like full on! He won’t take a dummy either never has...

I don’t know what else to do, I didn’t know this could happen! My first born wasnt breast fed this long and I’ve never heard anyone else say anything about an issue like this but I know now it’s soooo common! Why don’t they warn you 😢 they basically force breast feeding on you in the first place!