Anyone else having multiples and due Spring/Summer 2016? 9 weeks and 4 days and this was taken yesterday.

Angie • I am 33 with a 9 year old and just found out I am pregnant with twins and due July 2016. Terrified and excited all at once.
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My di/di twins at 8 weeks. Am 11weeks now, Due June 29th :) Huge surprise but we couldn't be more excited!!


Tortie • Dec 9, 2015
Looks like the others beat me to it lol


Angie • Dec 9, 2015
Can you explain the 4 differences and how you know? they haven't told us yet and it confuses me.


Posted at
Sorry I couldn't respond sooner. Someone has already pretty much explained what I was referring to. Here is a visual.


Posted at
Mono = identical. Di = fraternal. In instances where it's denoted di/di, the second di refers to if the twins are in the same or separate amniotic sacs. If the second were mono that just means the same sac (usually only identical). Hope that helps


Posted at
Amazing! Can they tell at this time what type of twins you are having? I know there is about 4 types.


Megan • Dec 9, 2015
I know babies In 2 sacs are fraternal and babies in 1 sac is identical.


Angelica • Dec 9, 2015
i didnt know there was four .. what other kinds are there


Angie • Dec 9, 2015
There are 4 types but they still confuse me. They aren't able to tell us yet what they are although we do know for sure they are in 2 separate sacs. I guess now it's whether or not they have their own placenta or share one. Who knew having twins was so complicated! lol


Posted at
<3 so amazing :). I was told I was having twins at about 5 weeks. Am now almost 7 weeks and haven't seen a new scan. Praying all is well and they've grown as they should. I'm still in shock about having twins, will be so exciting! And stressful, but such a blessing. Congratulations!!