Ttc please help

Myself and my so have been trying to conceive since September with no luck unfortunately. It's driving me insane all of my friends are either pregnant/had children. To be honest I find it really upsetting. It's awful watching your friends have babies and I'm so paranoid that I can't. Tonight I found out that my sister in law is 3 months gone and I saw the look on my so face. He was so happy, he was over joyed as am I but it just destroys me that I might not be able to have a baby. I try to talk about it with my so but he says I'm worrying over nothing and completely shuts it down. What makes it worse is a few months ago myself and my so was discussing our wills and I said that I something happened to me then I wanted him to have everything. My so then told me that if something happens to him providing we have a child I can still live in the house we own jointly. However if we can't have a child then he will leave the house to his sister. It makes me feel that if I don't do what is required of me then I'm going to be tossed aside like a piece of rubbish. All I want to do is have a healthy, happy baby. I don't even care if it's a girl or a boy. I'm so scared.