Playing too rough on the couch?


My daughter will be 18 months on Wednesday, and for the last couple months she loves nothing more than running across and jumping on our sectional 🤦🏻‍♀️ It’s exhausting, she won’t let anyone hardly (and especially not me) sit on the couch without grunting at them and begging to get up on it. Once she’s up she goes wild, and doesn’t seem to have any grasp (or care) for where the edge of the couch is and that it’s dangerous and she’ll fall. She’s taken a couple of light falls but I’ve never let her seriously fly off of it so I think part of it is she just doesn’t know how bad it hurts but I think most of it she just doesn’t care and is having too much fun to be careful.

It’s been frustrating, but today it got infinitely worse because she can officially get on the couch by herself. I spent the entire day pulling her off every three minutes, telling her no and that it was dangerous. She’s jump right back up. I’m 30 weeks pregnant with her sister and don’t feel like I’m fast enough to keep her safe anymore, especially once I have a newborn in my arms too.

We’ve tried showing her the edge, and reaching her to lay on her belly to put her legs down first but so far she’s been just as reckless.

Any advice on how to teach her, how to keep her off the couch, any insight?

I’m desperate to keep her safe but also keep my sanity!