Male fertility test…

Sabrina • Married 💍2019, pet parent to 🐕 Frozen Oreo

How to get hubby to get his fertility checked without damaging his ego?

Any advice is much appreciated.

Side note: almost seems like he doesn’t want children by how much he avoids getting checked out 😔. I’ve been through 5 years of testing thinking it’s me this whole time so now I’m thinking it’s his turn to at least do it once.

UPDATE: So I called hubby and we talked about getting checked up. He said he is down for it and he’s BEEN ready. We’ve been working on communication so I asked “if this is something we both want, can you ask me when I’m ovulating or just show me that you are interested in trying?” He said yes and started actively asking questions about us trying. Feels weird asking for things you want when you just expect them to do it naturally. But I’m happy he knows how I feel. From now on he will show interest and be more attentive to our fertility needs.