The silent miscarriages nobody talks about


Throughout my entire pregnancy I’m thinking yes I’m one of the lucky ones. I don’t get any morning sickness. I’m okay with having some tenderness in my now dark nipples. These weird cravings over food I never eat. Even feeling like a old lady passing out in the middle of movies at 7pm because it’s apart of my pregnancy journey. At 6 weeks and three days I woke up with with my back killing me I could barely lift up from bed and my left ovary in pain. Rushed to the ER everything turned out to be okay I had a cyst rupture on my ovary i got to see my baby’s heart beat flickering around and We were okay. At first when I found out I was pregnant my heart just dropped because I simply didnt feel that my husband and I were ready. Telling my husband I was pregnant and him being so excited the idea of us starting a family touched my heart. Here I am coming to terms that I am pregnant and we’re really having a baby. Then At 10 weeks I had some light brownish discharge not even enough to fill a pad. No cramping or back pain but I wanted to double check so I went to the ER again. They told me during my last visit at the ER visit at 6 weeks the ultrasound seen that I had a gap between my uterus and placenta. If it was to get any bigger I could miscarry. They had no reason to give me a ultrasound because it was a small gap. Also because I was less than 12 weeks and my HCG levels were fine. I need to come back in 3 days and see if they have decreased or increased. The 3 days go by I finally get my results obviously my levels decreased. I thought it would’ve been fine since they had no urgency to check if my baby was okay. They do a final ultrasound check to see if they baby was alive and he had no heart beat. No Fetus activity and it measured at at week 6. I basically been carrying around a dead fetus for almost 4 weeks. My body doesn’t realize the baby is no longer alive. My sac is even still growing yet no baby… so I’m here with the threes options on how to come to terms with this. What’s the best option to flush this baby out since it’s not wanting to in its own. I hope nobody has to experience this but that’s my story.