
I’m 3 weeks postpartum, and my sex drive is even higher then before I got pregnant, I had a natural birth with an epidural, had a first degree tear so I got a few stitches, I really wanna go out tonight and have a drink or two and then atleast have oral sex with my man, is it fine to just have oral? With out intercourse or should I avoid everything all around?

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Posted at
If you absolutely cannot wait, I would suggest well cleaned hands or toys used externally only vs mouth or penis. You still have a pretty big wound inside of you, and mouths carry a lot of bacteria that you don’t want introduced to the area.


Posted at
So not have any type of sex. Even oral introduces bacteria. Is it really that hard to withstand from something that involves your health 🙄


Maylea • Aug 20, 2021
I meant *type instead of time


Ly • Aug 16, 2021
It's also the internet so I'm entitled to post what I would like to post if your doctor says to wait 6 weeks then you should wait 6 weeks not five and a half not four and a half not try to come up with ways to go around it. I'm sorry that you feel like I have so much attitude but that's not the case that's just how you read things


Maylea • Aug 16, 2021
There was really no need for you to come off with so much attitude. She obviously didn’t know it could be a risk to her health which is why she was asking in the first place. The community on this app should be a safe place for us moms to be able to go to for no judgment.


Posted at
I totally get this and felt the same way. It’s the rush of hormones pp. However, penetration of any kind should be totally off limits just in case of infection to your uterus. I don’t see why you couldn’t give him oral, but receiving oral is probably a bad idea.


Posted at
I think it’s no sex (any sex) until cleared due to the risk of infection.I’m always in awe of women who want to have sex right after birth. I waited like 3 months 😂. I bled for like 7 weeks though..


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I had a csection and had sex at 3 weeks pp but consult your doctor


Posted at
you'll probably contract and that may be painful and theres risk of infection...mouths are pretty dirty and your cervix may not be fully closed.