

Me and my fiancé ended up losing our 1 month old 8 months ago due to rare heart defect he had he was just really sick after he was born. It’s just been very hard on me because I wanted a 3rd child and i lost him at 1 month old I spent every second and day in the hospital with my son I never left his side I stay in the same room with him every day and night he even passed away in my arms I even had to move down to Cincinnati and leave my two younger ones behind just have hope and pray to god my child could be saved I left home for 2 months we still have everything we bought him because I wanted to have hope that I could bring my sweet boy home with us but god had other plans for our sweet boy. Currently one of my fiancé family member is pregnant and having a boy my fiancé wants to give all Liam things to them which I am not ready to let Liam things go it’s hard as mother to do it because us moms carry our child even give birth to our child even get excited buying all the baby items and getting everything ready for your baby picking out items for your baby it’s just not easy letting go of things even when losing your baby it’s different for mother’s I feel like he doesn’t understand this i have told him countless times I am not ready to give Liam things away right now I will know when it’s the right time to give his belongings away I am just more heartbroken because I honestly truly do wanna have another baby and use everything Liam has even if I had another boy but my fiancé doesn’t wanna do that or even have another baby ever it’s just really hit me hard tonight all of this information about Liam things and how he doesn’t wanna have another baby when I want that in life I know it’s not easy even after losing a child trust me I know but I know Liam would never be replaced he will always be in my heart until I pass away and be with my sweet boy I have every memory with my guy and pics in his shelve he has I just been super depressed tonight and I have no clue what to do I know I honestly can’t even sleep at the moment I been up since 5 am I honestly was exhausted and ready for bed now I can’t even sleep. Would this cause issues in your relationship or one panther not wanting the same thing as you want in life?