Am I stupid in love or just stupid?

So I’ve been with the same guy since 2017 and I was having issues, as was he. We tried to work on ourselves while we were together but it just made the relationship strained and it got worse and worse. Until I got to the point of no return, or so I thought. So I have mental health issues and always have. I’ve been diagnosed and am just now finding someone who is actually helping. But he ALSO has issues but he’s not been diagnosed, doesn’t even try to get help, and when I mentioned it, it caused an argument. Anyway so I decided we needed a break from the relationship and we broke up on July 29th, but because we’re also best friends we still talked everyday which everyone I know has told me was a dumb idea but I didn’t believe them. We agreed on a two month long break, it’s only been two weeks and now he’s saying we’re back together. I’m honestly scared to say something because it might cause issues, an argument, and it might make my mental health deteriorate worse than it already is. Am I stupid in love for letting this happen or am I just stupid?