Is anyone here on Lyleq BC?

So I’m on my fifth month on Lyleq and I haven’t had any symptoms (other than a little weight gain and some minor acne). But I’ve noticed that last month, my period lasted 2 days and was super light. This month, my period is 6-7 days late and I haven’t had any sort of cramping or mood swings like I do when my period comes around.

So my question is, has Lyleq stopped your periods? Is that a thing that it does? I read the info packet that came with it, but I don’t think it mentioned that. Or should I take a test to see if it’s failed? The only thing I can think of that would maybe cause some issues is that I changed the time I take it, I went from 9am to 7am (I wanted to be in bed after I get off work earlier).