Medroxyprogesterone Acetate

I just turned 25 and just started seeing a new OBGYN. First appointment I weighed 275 and at my 3 week appointment dropped to 269 since she said my weight was an issue. Every time I go I get so nervous and my blood pressure shoots up so she thinks I have Bp issues. I have been documenting my BP for a week and it is perfectly normal. The first ever OBGYN I went to told me I had PCOS but never did any testing for it. My new OBGYN checked all my hormone levels (unlike my first dr) and everything was normal except my testosterone which was high. She said I needed to continue loose weight, keep an eye on my BP, and put me on Medroxyprogesterone Acetate 10mg for 10 days. I was told to follow up in 3months. Has anyone been prescribed this med and can tell me more about it? I don’t know if this is something she put me on to help me get pregnant or just to jump start my periods.