Cheating? Or he asked for it?


So I’ve been seeing this guy for a while. Met him on a dating app.

He’s so nice but I can tell he may be a little off. But that doesn’t stop me from falling in love with him though. 😩

Couple months in we’ve had discussions that have ended our relationship, multiple times.

This time he’s blaming me. Telling me, that I’m not satisfied and that I’m not happy with him. 😅😦 I was definitely happy with him and satisfied. I believe he was just insecure and I really couldn’t do anything about that. I expressed that I’m happy but he goes on and tells me I’m not and I need to get back on bumble.

I thought it was a joke or he wasn’t being completely serious so i go and download bumble so I can call his bluff and also a couple other apps. I wanted to take this opportunity to show him that I could pull a lot of men. ( purely to show off that I could get 100 likes and also to let him know that yes I am valuable and there are other people who would like to know me)

I successfully show off but I’m still waiting for him to stop me and I show some reluctance to proceed but he starts encouraging me. I love him and he’s said he loves me so…wtf?

Days later he’s still at it. At this point I’m still reluctant but I realize he’s opening the door for me to leave so I should just go. I go on a date with some dude and we’ve been together for almost a year.

Year later I still love him even though I’m with someone else. I legit can’t help it.

Mr. Crazy comes back and tells me he was just testing me and I failed. I should have tried harder and that I cheated on him… lol wtf?

Did I mess up or was he toying with me? What do you think?