Im finally done


The title says it all. Im finally done.

Im done trying to make a relationship work that wont.

Done trying to fix what cant be fixed.

My ex and i broke up about a week ago today.

He cheated on me before and betrayed me many times.

Iv taken him back a couple times because i thought we could work towards an almost perfect relationship.

I was told “no relationship is perfect”

That “times get hard but you should keep trying if you love that person”.

Iv went from being a sweet loving woman to being a mean, hateful person towards my ex. I went from giving my all to having my guard up 24/7 and not being able to trust anyone fully. I got let down many times and some how its my fault he cheated and betrayed me. At one point i was at my lowest and he left saying he didnt care . And now hes feeling like that. Unloved, unappreciated, un everything. But bc its him its okay to betray me. Its okay to do what he did only because he felt that way. But i told him when i felt like that i didnt think about betraying him like he has done me… im too grown to fight for a guy who thinks my standards are too high. I shouldnt have to tell him what i want from him or how to show me he’s actually done being stupid. I want to feel appreciated, loved and i want to be everything to someone. Clearly its not him. I read something yesterday that said to marry someone for the way they think and not their looks because if you marry them for their looks you’ll divorce for the way they think. If you marry someone for the way they think , you can grow to catch up with them and you two will thrive in the marriage because of whatever it said. Point is that made me think alot and made me remember everything that happened and no matter how hard i try i can not let go and i resent him for taking me for granted. Part of me hates him but part of me also still loves and cares about him. I feel like he makes me feel bad for leaving him and he tried to make me think its all my fault. Sorry this is long i just needed to vent.