Feeling pissed off

My boyfriends ex step dad is still in his life and lives literally a few feet in front of us. And he was feeling super sick not even a week ago (just throwing up and diarrhea) It was only for one day that he was feeling like that. I told my boyfriend I don’t want him going around him or his step brother (he was super sick too) for a while because we have a 2 month old and I didn’t want him bringing whatever it was they had over here (weather it’s COVID or not) for our babies to catch. He of course didn’t listen to me. He kept telling me that they’re both feeling better and blah blah blah. Well now my boyfriend started feeling sick with fever, aches, and a few other symptoms last night; woke up this morning to feeling worse. His step dad came over and was talking about how he has been sick and how his taste is coming and going and he was feeling body aches last night and I instantly got pissed. I’m scared they have COVID. I have type one diabetes and I know my immune system is weak and I’m worried about my kids getting it. Neither one will go get tested because they know the doctors or whomever can’t do anything about it.

We live in a one bedroom camper and Our baby sleeps with us. Our oldest sleeps on the pull out bed in the living room. I told him that he’s sleeping in the living room for awhile. The kids and i will just sleep in our room. I know we’ve already been exposed but idk what else to do.