Helppppp meeee


Okay. So on July 6th I had a d&c and tested down to zero. Started <a href="">tracking ovulation</a> and did the deed accordingly. 😉 so August 12th I started getting faint lines, then started my period (lasted 3 days) and had to go out of town. On August 15th I got sick on the plane then took a test when I got home and it was positive. So I figured it was a chemical. Called my dr and got a blood test. My first levels were 114 on Tuesday, on Thursday and I got another test. I didn’t call Friday, I said I forgot but really didn’t want to be sad over the weekend. So I called today and my leaves were 340. To say I was shocked would be an understatement. So instead of checking my levels again they scheduled me for an ultrasound, but it’s not till September 7th. Has anyone had this happen before? I’m sooo cofused. I didn’t just have some spotting, I had what I thought was a period. Could it of been leftover from the d&c? Or could it be eptopic and if so should I call my dr and request a more urgent exam? Just looking for some advice.

I have a 13 month old baby boy and desperately want to give him a little buddy to play with. I know a lot say you should wait to try again till after your first period after a mc but waiting is so hard. And now I’m kicking myself for not listening if this is another loss