

I was sitting here thinking to myself “why am I always sick at the end of pregnancy” then I started thinking even harder about it and I literally get sick about 2 weeks prior to birth. With my daughter, I had hypertension but otherwise very normal and healthy pregnancy, I was sick as a dog 2 weeks before I had her (I was 37 weeks), I had a bad head cold. I delivered her at 39 weeks. With my son, I was sick in the beginning of October. I remember being so sick and planning a baby shower for my friend that I didn’t plan on attending because of said sickness. I ended up going to the shower on oct 12 and I had my son that very next day at 35 weeks. Now I have been sick for 4 days and I’m anxious to see what happens in the next week or so…. If it is true this time, I’ll be 36ish weeks. We’ll see!