Experienced breast feeders please help!


It seems like my baby has to drink for at least 20 minutes from each side before she’s full. Right now I’m going back n forth 10 minutes each boob twice. And then she is finally full. She doesn’t drink the whole time though. She falls asleep so much every time she’s on my boobs she really has a hard time staying awake no matter what. I tickle her feet I move her arms I bounce her. That’s been a problem for us. But when I pump and bottle feed she stays awake and drinks continuously until it’s empty. Anyway I feel like 40 minutes breastfeeding is a lot. When I pump I get 3-4 oz per boob in ten minutes (pumping both at once) & can be done. it’s just so much faster and easier and actually drains my boobs whereas when I put her to my breasts I’m doing 40 minutes and my boobs still don’t feel relieved after. But I really want to stick to baby to breast , just wondering if it’s normal for her to be on for so long and if you have any tips for getting her to keep drinking..

It just seems like everything about pumping and bottle feeding is faster and easier other than constantly washing bottles and I’m tempted to just exclusively pump but I don’t want to give in to that